Cardiac-related illnesses can be debilitating, but with proper care, these often serious conditions can be managed, and quality of life can be maintained. A cardiac rehabilitation program helps patients recover and prevent future cardiac issues. This restorative rehab includes exercises, heart-healthy education, and lifestyle modifications.

Who needs cardiac care?

Cardiac rehabilitation is beneficial for a wide range of people who have experienced and are at high risk for heart-related issues. These conditions may include:

  • Heart transplants
  • Mechanical heart device recipients
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Aneurysms
  • Heart failure
  • CardiomyopathyBottom of Form
  • Heart surgery patients
  • Angioplasty or stent recipients
  • People with chronic conditions

    cardiac care elderly rehabilitation center 5 star rated in brooklyn nyc

    Cardiac care includes, but is not limited to, those with lifelong heart conditions. It is also appropriate for those with temporary cardiac conditions that require medical assistance.

    Cardiac rehabilitation programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient, ensuring that the interventions are appropriate and effective for their particular condition.

    How we can help you manage your condition

    At Haym Salomon Home for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Brooklyn, NY, we cater to your cardiac-related condition in an individually targeted way.

    Our nursing services are available 24/7, so you can be assured that you will never go without the specific attention you need. In addition to regular nurses, nurse practitioners, highly trained and provide care to suit your needs, are always available. All medication schedules are carefully adhered to.

    Our cardiac rehabilitation staff is also on hand to help patients with any secondary conditions and/or side effects.

    Most of the nursing staff speak more than one language and are always available.

    Haym Salomon Home houses a culturally diverse population, which is why we offer a variety of faith services. In addition to this, we get involved in holiday celebrations and run live music events. Your passions and hobbies are celebrated, and we aim to provide any resources you need to carry these out.

    From a medical standpoint, the physicians working with us are highly regarded and are focused on making the period in which you need cardiac rehabilitation as smooth and as successful as possible.

    Our extensive team of nursing staff, nurse practitioners, physicians and rehab therapists put your needs and happiness at the front of their minds with the right approach to managing your condition always while improving your quality of life.