Whether you have a lung disease or a wound that won’t heal properly, infections cause problems if allowed to spread. They can be debilitating, even deadly, and can spread to other people. That’s why it’s so important to promptly prevent infection from spreading.

The first thing visitors notice when they enter Haym Salomon Home For Nursing & Rehabilitation in Brooklyn NY is the high standard of cleanliness. Disinfecting, sanitizing, and deep cleaning are constant routines on our premises.

Our rigorous procedures keep staff and patients safe and prevent infection from spreading. Our strict infection control policy is highly praised and second to none.

Disinfecting, sanitizing, and deep cleaning tools to Prevent Infection From Spreading

Ways To Stop Infection From Spreading

Over time, health institutions have built up a range of defences to combat the spread of infections. The key is having high cleanliness standards and always following basic personal and public hygiene rules.

It’s important to understand how infections occur and spread. Infections are caused by tiny pathogens – bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. They enter the body through the air or when you touch a contaminated surface and then your face.

That is why it is best to do everything possible to prevent ourselves from getting infection and letting it spread.

If infected, any health problems you have may be aggravated. Such infections interfere with the body’s normal functioning, making you feel unwell.

Elderly people and those with underlying health issues, such as heart disease or respiratory problems, are particularly at risk. Here are three simple ways to prevent infection from spreading.

1. Personal Hygiene To Prevent Infection From Spreading

Paying attention to personal hygiene and following the guidance of a doctor or health establishment is a top priority. Touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands can pass on infection.

Wash your hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom and before meals to prevent infection from spreading. If you can’t wash your hands with soap and water, using hand sanitizer is a viable alternative.

Make sure that you catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue, dispose of it carefully, and then wash your hands.

2. Food Safety Rules

Thoroughly clean food preparation surfaces to prevent infection from spreading. Wiping down and sanitizing all surfaces can stop germs from accumulating.

High standards of cleanliness in the kitchen and at mealtimes can help keep you safe. Ensure that the food you eat is within its use-by date. Be aware that food which has not been cooked or stored properly can cause illness.

3. Avoid Bug-borne Illnesses To Prevent Infection From Spreading

Bug-borne diseases, although relatively rare, can be serious. Insects such as mites, mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas can spread infections. Disinfect your living space, use repellent, and cover up to reduce the risk of a mosquito bite.

To avoid illness from house dust mites, make sure all soft furnishings such as carpets and cushions are cleaned regularly. Vacuuming, sanitizing surfaces and dusting can all prevent infection from spreading.

Contact us If you would like to know more about Haym Salomon Home and our care services.

This content comprises informative and educational resources only and can not be considered as a substitute for professional health or medical guidance. Reliance on any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk. If you have any inquiries or apprehensions about your medical condition or health goals, talk with a licensed physician or healthcare provider.