Dizziness is a common symptom associated with many conditions. Because of this, there are many potential causes of dizziness.

Dizziness is often simply a result of vertigo, in which case, it is generally benign. That is, it is not dangerous or something to excessively worry about. Many people think dizziness and vertigo are the same thing.

But this isn’t strictly true. While dizziness is a moment where you feel unbalanced, vertigo also involves nausea and potentially vomiting.

There are some underlying illnesses and conditions that may bring about dizziness. Headaches are one of the most well-known of these. A sore head after a night of excessive alcohol consumption is another.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common causes of dizziness in adults.

Dizziness therapist at Haym Salomon Home for Rehabilitation Brooklyn, NYC. Injury rehab for patients.


Dehydration happens when a person isn’t giving their body enough water and/or the right fluids. Being dehydrated thickens the blood, this can lead to a drop in blood pressure. Other signs that a person is dehydrated include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Dark and/or thick urine.
  • Tiredness
  • Thirst

As a cause of dizziness, dehydration can be swiftly remedied by increasing the volume of fluids you consume. Severe cases of dehydration may require a treatment plan including IV fluids.

Low blood pressure

As we said above, low blood pressure (hypotension) can be linked to dizziness. If you are frequently experiencing dizziness when you sit down or stand up, the cause may be something called postural hypotension.

This isn’t a serious condition, but it can indicate an underlying issue. If this rings true for you, please see a medical professional who will help you address your low blood pressure. Once your blood pressure is stabilized, the dizzy spells should mostly go away.


Anxiety is one of the most common causes of dizziness. In fact, many people who experience anxiety or have anxiety-related conditions also report dizzy spells, wooziness, and a feeling of spinning.

The unfortunate thing about dizziness and anxiety is that coupled together, they can create a vicious cycle. A person may start feeling dizzy which causes anxiety, which then leads to dizziness and more anxiety.

If you start feeling dizzy and begin to become anxious, take some deep breaths, sit down slowly, close your eyes and count to 100. If the issue persists more than 20 minutes, you may be experiencing a panic attack. Seek help from a friend or family member.


A person with anemia has a low iron count in their bloodstream. Iron is an essential mineral to our bodies. In fact, it is found in every single cell. Too little iron and your body can struggle to create hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is essential for the transportation of oxygen around the body.

Anemia is one of the causes of dizziness because a lack of iron can lead to low blood pressure. And as we saw above, low blood pressure is linked to dizziness.

If dizziness is concerning you or is a frequent issue for you, it may be time to see a doctor. Although the causes of dizziness are often benign, other underlying issues such as amenia, anxiety, and hypotension may be at fault for your dizziness.

This content comprises informative and educational resources only and can not be considered as a substitute for professional health or medical guidance. Reliance on any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk. If you have any inquiries or apprehensions about your medical condition or health goals, talk with a licensed physician or healthcare provider.